At the weekend we went to a “Social” hosted by some people we met briefly at an event earlier in the year. We’d been chatting with them individually and within the group chat for the event and they gave off great vibes. They seemed like friendly, fun, intelligent people, our kind of people. So we bought tickets and were delighted to see more and more of our friends buy tickets too. It turned out to be one of my favourite nights within the swinging community, even though we took the decision to return to our hotel room alone.
So what is a social? A social is the term for a group of swingers to get together and make new friends. It is usually held in a vanilla setting (a pub or a bar) and people spend the night trying to pretend they’re not filthy and can behave in a public setting. Normal clothes are worn (as opposed to lingerie in a club) though they normally lean towards sexy, follow a theme, or have some sort of pineapple involved! Generally, these events attract more outgoing people as the purpose is to chat to others and befriend people, with or without the intention of meeting later to play. This event was expertly hosted as newbies were introduced to others, so nobody was left on their own, it also attracted a warm welcoming crowd who naturally mingled. It was held in a cute and quirky bar of which we had sole use so no fear of being spotted by other people and having to explain what you are doing. They served some spectacular cocktails which I’m sure contributed to the numerous snogs as the night progressed! I always find it such an interesting situation as the hosts of the party need to keep things in check, in terms of partygoers behaving themselves, yet inevitably people spark up connections and let themselves go when surrounded by likeminded people. At this event a man and woman (who had just met that night) decided it would be fun to swap clothes, he ended up in purple fishnets and she decided to dance on the seat in just her lingerie before slipping into his trousers– these things happen, people barely bat an eyelid! At my own event I didn’t want to upset the bar staff and get kicked out, so placed emphasis on the fact it was a “no play event” and a “vanilla setting” yet ended up taking things a little too far myself! (You might be picking up from other blogs that I have self-control issues when I’m turned on!) Having only been to three socials, (one of which I hosted) I can say that the vibe varies massively between events and is largely dependent on the privacy of the event space, the confidence and familiarity of attendees and proximity to a reasonably priced hotel!

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